byond - Modules - TypesDefine Details


JAPANESE_SOUND_GEMINATION_CHANCE_NUCLEUSHow likely the nucleus (vowel) is to geminate ie a -> aa
JAPANESE_SOUND_GEMINATION_CHANCE_INITIALHow likely the initial (consonant) is to geminate ie k -> kk
JAPANESE_SOUND_PALATALISATION_CHANCEHow likely the consonant is to palatalise ie r -> ry
JAPANESE_SOUND_NULL_INITIAL_CHANCEHow likely the syllable is not to have a consonant at the start, needs to be kinda high for convincing diphthongs
JAPANESE_SOUND_N_FINAL_CHANCEHow likely the syllable is to end in an N
JAPANESE_SOUND_APOSTROPHE_CHANCEHow likely it is to insert an apostrophe between two syllables (this can happen anywhere, mainly used for morpheme boundaries.)
JAPANESE_SOUND_GEMINATION_CHANCE_VOICEDhow likely voiced sounds are to geminate, these mainly occur in foreign loans so quite unlikely
/datum/japanese_syllableholds the syllable's sound itself and information such as if it has a null initial or final_syllable
/datum/japanese_sounda generic sound
/datum/japanese_sound/initialan initial sound aka a consonant, contains a lot of data about stuff that only consonants can be
/datum/japanese_sound/nucleusa nucleus, aka a vowel sound
/datum/japanese_sound/final_syllablea final_syllable sound, not used for much since the only one possible is N.

Define Details


How likely it is to insert an apostrophe between two syllables (this can happen anywhere, mainly used for morpheme boundaries.)


How likely the initial (consonant) is to geminate ie k -> kk


How likely the nucleus (vowel) is to geminate ie a -> aa


how likely voiced sounds are to geminate, these mainly occur in foreign loans so quite unlikely


How likely the syllable is not to have a consonant at the start, needs to be kinda high for convincing diphthongs


How likely the syllable is to end in an N


How likely the consonant is to palatalise ie r -> ry