byond - Modules - Types


/proc/show_location_blurb Reads out a description of game time, game date, main ship and current area. Originally for displaying roundstart messages on a conventional SS13 server.
/proc/show_blurb_uscm Shows operation start blurb to living marines. Slightly different for squad marines, pilots, and deploying ship crew/passengers. exempt_ztraits = trait or list of traits of zlevels where any marines don't see the message, ex. marine faction survivors colonyside shouldn't see the ship marines' drop message. Ex. ZTRAIT_GROUND by default. unit = the unit the marines are from. FF, Dust Raiders etc. Military crew see this. base = the base the marines are staging from. The ship, Whiskey Outpost etc. Noncombat crew see this.
/proc/show_blurb *Shows a ticker reading out the given text on a client's screen. targets = mob or list of mobs to show it to.