byond - Modules - TypesVar Details


Check if it has the possibility of being a FANCY present Checks if it might be one of the ULTRA fancy presents. Default, just in case


authorWho wrote the thing, can be changed by pen or PC. It is not automatically assigned
carvedHas the book been hollowed out for use as a secret storage item?
datActual page content
due_dateGame time in 1/10th seconds
storeWhat's in the book?
titleThe real name of the book.
unique0 - Normal book, 1 - Should not be treated as normal book, unable to be copied, unable to be modified
w_classupped to three because books are, y'know, pretty big. (and you could hide them inside eachother recursively forever)

Var Details


Who wrote the thing, can be changed by pen or PC. It is not automatically assigned


Has the book been hollowed out for use as a secret storage item?


Actual page content


Game time in 1/10th seconds


What's in the book?


The real name of the book.


0 - Normal book, 1 - Should not be treated as normal book, unable to be copied, unable to be modified


upped to three because books are, y'know, pretty big. (and you could hide them inside eachother recursively forever)