byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



PB_burst_bullets_firedWhen PB burst firing and handing off to /fire after a target moves out of range, this is how many bullets have been fired.
accuracy_multMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's accuracy by this number.
accuracy_mult_unwieldedMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's accuracy when unwielded by this number.
active_attachableThis will link to one of the attachments, or remain null.
aim_slowdownSelf explanatory. How much does aiming (wielding the gun) slow you
ammoHow the bullet will behave once it leaves the gun, also used for basic bullet damage and effects, etc. Ammo will be replaced on New() for things that do not use mags.
attachable_allowedMust be the exact path to the attachment present in the list. Empty list for a default.
attachable_offsetIs a list, see examples of from the other files. Initiated on New() because lists don't initial() properly.
attachable_overlaysList of overlays so we can switch them in an out, instead of using Cut() on overlays.
attachmentsList of all current attachments on the gun.
automaticUsed to determine if you can target multiple people.
base_gun_iconthe default gun icon_state. change to reskin the gun
burst_amountHow many shots can the weapon shoot in burst? Anything less than 2 and you cannot toggle burst.
burst_delayThe delay in between shots. Lower = less delay = faster.
burst_scatter_multMultiplier. Increases or decreases how much bonus scatter is added with each bullet during burst fire (wielded only).
caliberDetermines what kind of bullet is created when the gun is unloaded - used to match rounds to magazines. Set automatically when reloading.
cock_cooldownworld.time value, to prevent COCK COCK COCK COCK
cock_delayDelay before we can cock again, in tenths of seconds
damage_buildup_multMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage bleed (buildup) by this number.
damage_falloff_multMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage bleed (falloff) by this number.
damage_multMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage by this number.
delay_styleDetermines what happens when you fire a gun before its wield or pull time has finished. This one is extra scatter and an acc. malus.
effective_range_maxWhat maximum range the weapon deals full damage, tapers off using damage_falloff after hitting this value. 0 for no maximum.
effective_range_minWhat minimum range the weapon deals full damage, builds up the closer you get. 0 for no minimum.
extra_delayWhen burst-firing, this number is extra time before the weapon can fire again. Depends on number of rounds fired.
fa_delayThe delay when firing full-auto
fa_firingWhether or not the gun is firing full-auto
fa_max_scatterHow bad does the scatter get on full auto?
fa_paramsClick parameters to use when firing full-auto
fa_scatter_peakHow many full-auto shots to get to max scatter?
fa_shotsHow many shots have been fired using full-auto. Used to figure out scatter
fa_targetThe atom we're shooting at while full-autoing
fire_delayFor regular shots, how long to wait before firing again.
fire_delay_groupThe group or groups of the gun where a fire delay is applied and the delays applied to each group when the gun is dropped after being fired
fire_rattleDoes our gun have a unique empty mag sound? If so use instead of pitch shifting.
fire_soundsIf fire_sound is null, it will pick a sound from the list here instead.
guaranteed_delay_timeStoring value for guaranteed delay
gun_categoryOnly guns of the same category can be fired together while dualwielding.
has_empty_iconwhether gun has icon state of (base_gun_icon)_e
has_open_iconwhether gun has icon state of (base_gun_icon)_o
in_chamberWhat is currently in the chamber. Most guns will want something in the chamber upon creation.
last_firedWhen it was last fired, related to world.time.
last_moved_mobUsed to fire faster at more than one person.
movement_onehanded_acc_penalty_multMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the accuracy/scatter penalty of the projectile when firing onehanded while moving.
muzzle_flash_lummuzzle flash brightness
pull_timeStoring value for how long pulling a gun takes before you can use it
random_muzzle_chanceChance for random spawn to give this gun a muzzle attachment.
random_rail_chanceChance for random spawn to give this gun a rail attachment.
random_spawn_chanceChance for random attachments to spawn in general.
random_spawn_muzzleUsed when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.
random_spawn_stockUsed when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.
random_spawn_underUsed when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.
random_stock_chanceChance for random spawn to give this gun a stock attachment.
random_under_chanceChance for random spawn to give this gun a underbarrel attachment.
recoilScreen shake when the weapon is fired.
recoil_buildupThe recoil on a dynamic recoil gun
recoil_buildup_limitThe limit at which the recoil on a gun can reach. Usually the maximum value
recoil_loss_per_secondHow much recoil_buildup is lost per second. Builds up as time passes, and is set to 0 when a single shot is fired
recoil_unwieldedMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the gun's recoil when unwielded by this number.
scatterHow much the bullet scatters when fired.
scatter_unwieldedMultiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's scatter when the gun is unwielded by this number.
starting_attachment_typesWhat attachments this gun starts with THAT CAN BE REMOVED. Important to avoid nuking the attachments on restocking! Added on New()
targetList of who yer targeting.
told_cant_shootSo that it doesn't spam them with the fact they cannot hit them.
velocity_addAdded velocity to fired bullet.
wield_delayHow long between wielding and firing in tenths of seconds
wield_timeStoring value for wield delay.


add_bullet_traits@bullet_trait_entries: A list of bullet trait entries
has_ammunitionReturns TRUE if the weapon is loaded. Separate proc because there's no single way to check this for all weapons: chamber isn't always loaded, not all weapons use normal magazines etc. load_into_chamber() itself is designed to be called immediately before firing, and isn't suitable.
load_into_chamberload_into_chamber(), reload_into_chamber(), and clear_jam() do all of the heavy lifting. If you need to change up how a gun fires, just change these procs for that subtype and you're good to go.
remove_bullet_traits@bullet_traits: A list of bullet trait typepaths or ids
set_bullet_traitsPopulate traits_to_give in this proc
unload_chamberUnload a chambered round, if one exists, and empty the chamber.

Var Details


When PB burst firing and handing off to /fire after a target moves out of range, this is how many bullets have been fired.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's accuracy by this number.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's accuracy when unwielded by this number.


This will link to one of the attachments, or remain null.


Self explanatory. How much does aiming (wielding the gun) slow you


How the bullet will behave once it leaves the gun, also used for basic bullet damage and effects, etc. Ammo will be replaced on New() for things that do not use mags.


Must be the exact path to the attachment present in the list. Empty list for a default.


Is a list, see examples of from the other files. Initiated on New() because lists don't initial() properly.


List of overlays so we can switch them in an out, instead of using Cut() on overlays.


List of all current attachments on the gun.


Used to determine if you can target multiple people.


the default gun icon_state. change to reskin the gun


How many shots can the weapon shoot in burst? Anything less than 2 and you cannot toggle burst.


The delay in between shots. Lower = less delay = faster.


Multiplier. Increases or decreases how much bonus scatter is added with each bullet during burst fire (wielded only).


Determines what kind of bullet is created when the gun is unloaded - used to match rounds to magazines. Set automatically when reloading.


world.time value, to prevent COCK COCK COCK COCK


Delay before we can cock again, in tenths of seconds


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage bleed (buildup) by this number.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage bleed (falloff) by this number.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's damage by this number.


Determines what happens when you fire a gun before its wield or pull time has finished. This one is extra scatter and an acc. malus.


What maximum range the weapon deals full damage, tapers off using damage_falloff after hitting this value. 0 for no maximum.


What minimum range the weapon deals full damage, builds up the closer you get. 0 for no minimum.


When burst-firing, this number is extra time before the weapon can fire again. Depends on number of rounds fired.


The delay when firing full-auto


Whether or not the gun is firing full-auto


How bad does the scatter get on full auto?


Click parameters to use when firing full-auto


How many full-auto shots to get to max scatter?


How many shots have been fired using full-auto. Used to figure out scatter


The atom we're shooting at while full-autoing


For regular shots, how long to wait before firing again.


The group or groups of the gun where a fire delay is applied and the delays applied to each group when the gun is dropped after being fired

Guns with this var set will apply the gun's remaining fire delay to any other guns in the same group

Set as null (does not apply any fire delays to any other gun group) or a list of fire delay groups (string defines) matched with the corresponding fire delays applied


Does our gun have a unique empty mag sound? If so use instead of pitch shifting.


If fire_sound is null, it will pick a sound from the list here instead.


Storing value for guaranteed delay


Only guns of the same category can be fired together while dualwielding.


whether gun has icon state of (base_gun_icon)_e


whether gun has icon state of (base_gun_icon)_o


What is currently in the chamber. Most guns will want something in the chamber upon creation.


When it was last fired, related to world.time.


Used to fire faster at more than one person.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the accuracy/scatter penalty of the projectile when firing onehanded while moving.


muzzle flash brightness


Storing value for how long pulling a gun takes before you can use it


Chance for random spawn to give this gun a muzzle attachment.


Chance for random spawn to give this gun a rail attachment.


Chance for random attachments to spawn in general.


Used when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.


Used when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.


Used when a gun will have a chance to spawn with attachments.


Chance for random spawn to give this gun a stock attachment.


Chance for random spawn to give this gun a underbarrel attachment.


Screen shake when the weapon is fired.


The recoil on a dynamic recoil gun


The limit at which the recoil on a gun can reach. Usually the maximum value


How much recoil_buildup is lost per second. Builds up as time passes, and is set to 0 when a single shot is fired


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the gun's recoil when unwielded by this number.


How much the bullet scatters when fired.


Multiplier. Increased and decreased through attachments. Multiplies the projectile's scatter when the gun is unwielded by this number.


What attachments this gun starts with THAT CAN BE REMOVED. Important to avoid nuking the attachments on restocking! Added on New()


List of who yer targeting.


So that it doesn't spam them with the fact they cannot hit them.



Added velocity to fired bullet.


How long between wielding and firing in tenths of seconds


Storing value for wield delay.

Proc Details


@bullet_trait_entries: A list of bullet trait entries


Returns TRUE if the weapon is loaded. Separate proc because there's no single way to check this for all weapons: chamber isn't always loaded, not all weapons use normal magazines etc. load_into_chamber() itself is designed to be called immediately before firing, and isn't suitable.


load_into_chamber(), reload_into_chamber(), and clear_jam() do all of the heavy lifting. If you need to change up how a gun fires, just change these procs for that subtype and you're good to go.


@bullet_traits: A list of bullet trait typepaths or ids


Populate traits_to_give in this proc


Unload a chambered round, if one exists, and empty the chamber.