Vars | |
admin_music_volume | Admin music volume, from 0 to 1. |
adminhelptimerid | Client var used for returning the ahelp verb |
completed_asset_jobs | List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset |
connection_time | world.time they connected |
current_ticket | Client var used for tracking the ticket the (usually) not-admin client is dealing with |
holding_click | Whether or not the player is holding their mouse click |
ignore_next_click | Means that there can only be one click per mousedown. |
key_combos_held | A buffer for combinations such of modifiers + keys (ex: CtrlD, AltE, ShiftT). Format: "key" -> "combo" (ex: "D" -> "CtrlD" ) |
keys_held | A buffer of currently held keys. |
last_asset_job | Last asset send job id. |
mouse_trace_history | The history of all atoms that were hovered over while the mouse was depressed |
movement_keys | custom movement keys for this client |
movement_locked | Are we locking our movement input? |
next_move_dir_add | On next move, add this dir to the move that would otherwise be done |
next_move_dir_sub | On next move, subtract this dir from the move that would otherwise be done |
obj_window | Our object window datum. It stores info about and handles behavior for the object tab |
panel_tabs | list of all tabs |
recent_examines | A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last EXAMINE_MORE_TIME (default 1.5) seconds, so that we will call [/atom/proc/examine_more] instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining |
screen_maps | Assoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well. |
screen_texts | lazylist of screen_texts for this client, first in this list is the one playing |
stat_panel | Stat panel window declaration |
stat_tab | our current tab |
tgui_cache_reloaded | global |
tgui_say | Assigned say modal of the client |
tgui_windows | global |
topiclimiter | Used for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse |
typing_indicators | Does this client have typing indicators enabled? |
urgent_ahelp_cooldown | The last urgent ahelp that this player sent |
Procs | |
admin_follow | Attempts to make the client orbit the given object, for administrative purposes. If they are not an observer, will try to aghost them. |
asset_cache_confirm_arrival | Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]" |
asset_cache_preload_data | Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING] |
asset_cache_update_json | Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects. |
browse_queue_flush | Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rsc assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away. |
clear_all_maps | Clears all the maps of registered screen objects. |
clear_map | Clears the map of registered screen objects. |
close_popup | Closes a popup. |
create_popup | Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization. |
erase_all_macros | Erases macros set by the keybinding system |
fix_tgui_panel | tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb |
get_total_drone_playtime | playtime for drone and drone evolution castes |
get_total_t3_playtime | playtime for t3 castes and queen |
get_total_xeno_playtime | playtime for all castes |
handle_popup_close | When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this. |
init_verbs | Compiles a full list of verbs to be sent to the browser Sends the 2D verbs vector of (verb category, verb name) |
keyUp | Check if the key is short enough to even be a real key |
nanoclose | Called when a Nano UI window is closed This is how Nano handles closed windows It must be a verb so that it can be called using winset |
notify_login | Handles login-related logging and associated notifications |
on_stat_panel_message | Handles incoming messages from the stat-panel TGUI. |
open_particle_editor | opens the particle editor UI for the in_atom object for this client |
register_map_obj | Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle. |
reset_held_keys | Manually clears any held keys, in case due to lag or other undefined behavior a key gets stuck. |
set_macros | Request blocking update of keybinds to client, clearing old ones |
setup_popup | Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background. |
show_other_record | Management Access Edit Access Note category options |
tgui_say_create_open_command | Creates a JSON encoded message to open TGUI say modals properly. |
uiclose | verb |
update_special_keybinds | Updates the keybinds for special keys |
who | Can remove notes from anyone other than yourself, unless you're the host. So long as you have deletion access anyway. |
Var Details
Admin music volume, from 0 to 1.
Client var used for returning the ahelp verb
List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset
world.time they connected
Client var used for tracking the ticket the (usually) not-admin client is dealing with
Whether or not the player is holding their mouse click
Means that there can only be one click per mousedown.
A buffer for combinations such of modifiers + keys (ex: CtrlD, AltE, ShiftT). Format: "key"
-> "combo"
(ex: "D"
-> "CtrlD"
A buffer of currently held keys.
Last asset send job id.
The history of all atoms that were hovered over while the mouse was depressed
custom movement keys for this client
Are we locking our movement input?
On next move, add this dir to the move that would otherwise be done
On next move, subtract this dir from the move that would otherwise be done
Our object window datum. It stores info about and handles behavior for the object tab
list of all tabs
A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last EXAMINE_MORE_TIME (default 1.5) seconds, so that we will call [/atom/proc/examine_more] instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining
Assoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well.
Format: list(
lazylist of screen_texts for this client, first in this list is the one playing
Stat panel window declaration
our current tab
TRUE if cache was reloaded by tgui dev server at least once.
Assigned say modal of the client
Tracks open windows for a user.
Used for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse
Does this client have typing indicators enabled?
The last urgent ahelp that this player sent
Proc Details
Attempts to make the client orbit the given object, for administrative purposes. If they are not an observer, will try to aghost them.
Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"
Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]
Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.
Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rsc assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.
Clears all the maps of registered screen objects.
Clears the map of registered screen objects.
Not really needed most of the time, as the client's screen list gets reset on relog. any of the buttons are going to get caught by garbage collection anyway. they're effectively qdel'd.
Closes a popup.
Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.
Ratio is how many pixels by how many pixels (keep it simple).
Returns a map name.
Erases macros set by the keybinding system
tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb
playtime for drone and drone evolution castes
playtime for t3 castes and queen
playtime for all castes
When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.
Compiles a full list of verbs to be sent to the browser Sends the 2D verbs vector of (verb category, verb name)
Check if the key is short enough to even be a real key
Called when a Nano UI window is closed This is how Nano handles closed windows It must be a verb so that it can be called using winset
@return nothing
Handles login-related logging and associated notifications
Handles incoming messages from the stat-panel TGUI.
opens the particle editor UI for the in_atom object for this client
Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.
Manually clears any held keys, in case due to lag or other undefined behavior a key gets stuck.
Hardcoded to the ESC key.
Request blocking update of keybinds to client, clearing old ones
Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.
Width and height are multiplied by 64 by default.
Management Access Edit Access Note category options
Creates a JSON encoded message to open TGUI say modals properly.
Arguments: channel - The channel to open the modal in. Returns: string - A JSON encoded message to open the modal.
Called by UIs when they are closed. Must be a verb so winset() can call it.
required uiref ref The UI that was closed.
Updates the keybinds for special keys
Handles adding macros for the keys that need it And adding movement keys to the clients movement_keys list At the time of writing this, communication(OOC, Say, IC) require macros Arguments:
- direct_prefs - the preference we're going to get keybinds from
Can remove notes from anyone other than yourself, unless you're the host. So long as you have deletion access anyway.